December 29, 2012

Stripe Study Shawl finished

So it took a week and I finished Stripe Study shawl. The pattern was very fun and I enjoyed knitting every single rows. But this pattern is actually for fingering yarn that I just kinda ignored and knitted with worsted yarn so next time I'll make with fingering yarn.

love this color combination!

great with casual style like denim shirt

Went to a christmas party with this shawl on, I got lots of compliments!

I'm knitting a tunic now, so worried if I can finish before winter is over...

にほんブログ村 ハンドメイドブログ 編み物へ

December 7, 2012

Shawl with Berroco Vintage

Love this orange!

Ravelryなんかではよく見かけるBerrocoというブランドの毛糸です。色はオレンジですがちょっとくぐもったようなオレンジです。 奇抜すぎなくて、でもパッと目を引く色即買い。
I went to this yarn shop close to my apartment last week with my new knitting friend. I was going to buy some circular needles but ended up with this pretty orange yarns Berroco Vintage worsted.  I just love the color.

I decided to make a shawl with this Berroco and some yarn out of my stash.

So retro looking color

パターンはRavelryから大人気のStripe Study Shawlです。 ショールに5ドル出す価値があるのかどうかとかなり迷いましたが、ユニークなデザインなので思い切って挑戦してみることにしました。
Bought the pattern of 'Stripe Study Shawl'.  I wansn't so sure that it's worth $5 for shawl pattern but there are so many people tried this and thought there must be a reason. 

編み始めるとこれが思っていた以上にユニークなパターンで、1段1段が楽しい。これは5ドルの価値ありです。あと、Berrocoの糸の編みやすさに感動!ちょっと値段のはる糸はそれだけ編みやすさにも違いが出るもんなんだな。 針と糸がケンカせずにスムーズに編んでいけちゃいます。Berrocoはこれからも買うなきっと。
Once I started knitting, it's so fun! Because of its design, you won't get bored and just can't stop knitting.  It's totally worth $5.   Also I'm amazed at Berroco yarn! It's smooth on needle I'm in love with this yarn. 

I'm sure it's gonna be a pretty shawl!
I know I need to make some more christmas presents but oh's okay there's more time.

にほんブログ村 ハンドメイドブログ 編み物へ

November 30, 2012

Cabled cowl

When I started crocheting I thought I would never do knitting because knitting is harder than crochet(in my opinion). But I found so many pretty designs of pattern on Ravelry and I decided to give it a try.  And here's my first knitting project.

Cabled cowl that I knitted with circular needle. This is the free pattern from famous yarn maker 'Lion Brand'.  I thought it might be too hard for super biginner knitter like me but if I knit, I wanna knit what I really like so I read the pettern lots of times and knitted really carefully.

It went so well and I finished my first knitted cowl! I'm not a big fan of this wool's texture but hey, its much better than cheap acrylic yarn.

This project made me little more confident.  Hope I will start knitting big project like swetater or cardigan!

November 28, 2012

Sidewalk shawl

Thougt I'd make a shawl as a christmas present for my mother-in-law.

Free shawl pattern from Ravelry, this is crochet pattern so I thought it would be easier than knitting.

3日とかからず完成しました。 一度パターンを憶えればあとはサクサクと編めました。 結構大判で、私好みです。 コートを着るほど寒くないけど何か羽織りものがほしいときにピッタリです。
It only took me 3 days to finish this, once you memorize the patttern then just keep crocheting with eyes closed(yes,that's a lie). It's pretty big size which I like.  It's a perfect shawl for a day that you don't really need a coat but want something to wrap you up. 

すごく気に入ってしまって、義母用なのに私が欲しいです。 違う糸でもう一度編もうと思ってます。 お義母さん気に入ってくれるといいな。 
I made this for my mother-in-law but I really love it like I just want to keep it for myself! I'm totally making the same thing with different color. Hope she'll like this.

New blog started.
